sexta-feira, 25 de julho de 2014

Watch Jamie Dornan scorch the screen with rock hard abs and BDSM in ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ trailer

50 shades bondageThe Fifty Shades of Grey trailer is out and it’s hotter than we ever imagined. Starring Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson and formed on a book of a same name by EL James, a film looks set to literally whip a scenes. While Dakota Johnson plays a genuine Anastasia Steel, Jamie Dornan will play a purpose of amorous partner Christian Grey.

We contingency contend Dornan, who used to be a Calvin Klein indication and was once dubbed ‘The Man with a Golden Torso’ positively scorches a shade as Christian Grey.  Dornan is also saying jogging in a trailer and of march there are shots of subjugation and BDSM that are positively not for a cowardly and will startle a Indian censors. Here’s a look during his aptness regime:

50 shadesOne of a secrets behind a Golden Torso are bodyweight exercises and of march and of march and astray genetic advantage. He once said: ‘There’s a lot of unresolved around so we use any downtime to work on my arms and core with variations on press-ups and crunches.’

 He also claims, utterly foul that he has a thing for Guinness so his sculpted physique is down to his extraordinary genes. It’s not startling that he is so fit deliberation that he was rugby actor in his girl that concerned eating a lot and afterwards removing absolved of a fat. He suggested that until his modelling days took off he would impel Big Macs down his throat and afterwards do push-ups whenever he found time. And that push-up robe has stranded as a model-turned-actor does some push-ups whenever he finds time. Due to a problem in a iliotibial rope in his knee he can’t put too most vigour on a corner so he does swimming instead of using to bake additional calories. 

And for a uninformed – what is BDSM?
The tenure is an acronym for Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism. It’s a form of eccentric passionate use that involves a horde of deviant passionate poise that’s not deliberate within a realms of normal sex. It customarily has one widespread partner and one cooperative one. The amorous novel Fifty Shades of Grey made a tenure renouned among it’s (largely) women readers.

Picture Source: YouTube

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Watch Jamie Dornan scorch the screen with rock hard abs and BDSM in ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ trailer

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