quarta-feira, 30 de julho de 2014

Tips for pregnant women to enjoy Christmas

christmas and pregnancyChristmas celebrations are around a dilemma and, like everybody else, profound women too wish to suffer a gratifying season. So here is a list of dos and don’ts for profound ladies.

Pregnancy active wear specialists FittaMamma says reduction alcohol, expenditure of lots of water, correct diet are a simple mantra’s, reports femalefirst.co.uk.

- Comfortable clothes: The festival selling competence keep we on your toes. So wearing something to support a weight of strike will make a selling day final longer. 

- Avoid alcohol: Enjoy a potion of something lovely and sparkly instead of alcohol. Mixing adult a collection of ginger and orange sparkler not usually tastes good, though sparkles roughly like champagne assistance with pregnancy revulsion as well. (Read: What NOT to do during pregnancy – 10 things to avoid!)

- Stay hydrated: Christmas is tiring, we get out of your normal routines and it is easy to forget your common bottle of water. 

- Take a walk: If we can’t fit in your common practice regime don’t forget that walking is good for we too. But a sprightly travel with family or friends is a companionable approach to say a unchanging cardio.

- Stretch a little: Find time to widen out with some yoga poses. Ten mins of yoga can do many to make we feel some-more loose and energised. Sitting on a building with legs crossed with feet underneath your knees, widen a spine and lay adult tall. Relax your shoulders, breathe deeply into your swell and press your chest forwards.

- Enjoy: Make a many of being profound and accept offers of help. Let other people lift a selling and do a cooking. (Read: 10 diet dos and don’ts during pregnancy by consultant dietician Naini Setalvad)

Source: IANS

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Tips for pregnant women to enjoy Christmas

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