segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2014

10 Notorious Hackers That Made Headlines

When people hear of a word ‘hacker’, they customarily cruise of those who are deliberate black shawl hackers. As opposite to white shawl hackers, who penetrate mechanism systems to assistance patch flaws in a security, black shawl hackers penetrate for some-more unlawful gains. Whether it is for money, personal information or usually for a disturb of it, black shawl hackers wreak massacre on mechanism systems and customarily leave a route of victims behind.

In this post, we will quickly demeanour into a lives, motivations and outcomes of 10 hackers who have finished a headlines by targeting and hacking into vast organizations and even governments. Some bear good intentions while other have no qualms of hacking for personal benefit, yet no matter what their logic is, these are hackers that keep vital classification on their toes when it comes to a confidence measures they occupy in their systems.

1. Hector Xavier Monsegur (Sabu)

Sabu is good famous as one of the founders of LulzSec, a barbarous black shawl hacker organisation that pennyless into and stole information from supervision and corporate websites, all especially “for a lulz” or in other speak, entertainment. His genuine temperament was eventually detected by a FBI and he was given a choice: turn adviser or go to prison.

Monsegur chose a former and co-operated with a FBI, hacking with his Lulzsec organisation all a while gripping tabs of their activities and stating to a feds. This eventually lead to a constraint of a other members and a finish of Lulzsec. Monsegur spent a small 7 months in jail due to his co-operation. Count him propitious since his strange judgment was ostensible to be a good 26 years.

Hector Xavier Monsegur Sabu
(Image Source: SiliconBeat)

2. Kevin Mitnick

Kevin Mitnick was a hacker before computers were cool, or mainstream. His initial penetrate was finished when he was 15, behind in 1978, by a process famous as amicable engineering, involving a sheet puncher and dumpster diving. Basically, he could get all a giveaway sight rides he wanted with a tawdry punch card.

His initial mechanism penetrate yet was for unauthorized entrance to a mechanism systems of Digital Equipment Corporation. He was jailed for 12 months and a 3-year supervised release. He pennyless a 3-year agreement when he hacked into Pacific Bell’s voice mail computers, and an detain aver was expelled in his name, that he succeeded in avoiding for 2.5 years.

During his time on a run, he went on a hacking spree, regulating cloned cellphones to censor his plcae and violation into a systems of some of a largest mobile and computing companies. He was eventually held and made to offer 5 years in prison. He now runs a mechanism confidence firm, Mitnick Security Consulting.

Kevin Mitnick
(Image Source:

3. Gary McKinnon (Solo)

According to US prosecutors, Scottish hacker Gary McKinnon was obliged for committing a “biggest infantry computer hack of all time” – he hacked into 97 US infantry and NASA computers in 2002. And it wasn’t usually a elementary mangle in as a occurrence happened reduction than a few months after 9/11.

He did genuine repairs to US infantry infrastructure, crude munitions supply to a US Navy’s Atlantic Fleet and for some reason, he left taunting, anti-American messages on a computers. McKinnon has Asperger’s Syndrome and when he was caught, McKinnon, he claimed that he was usually looking for explanation of UFOs, anti-gravity record and giveaway appetite suppression.

The US supervision attempted to extradite him for hearing yet could not do so due to his medical condition, and a fact that medical experts consider him a self-murder risk should he be finished to leave a UK to mount trial. At a finish of a 10-year tug-of-war, prosecutors motionless to dump any skeleton to prosecute him on UK dirt due to the complications of him being in a UK and a justification and witnesses being in a US.

Gary McKinnon
(Image Source: The Guardian)

4. Ehud Tenenbaum (The Analyzer)

At a age of 19 in 1998, Israeli hacker Ehud Tenenbaum was a conduct of a organisation of hackers that managed to mangle into a mechanism systems of the NASA, a US and Israeli military, and several US and Israeli universities. They commissioned backdoors to get personal information. Then-US Deputy Department of Defence John Hamre called it “the many orderly and systematic conflict to date” – they guess a penetrate was finished by a Iraqi government.

In sequence to stop a attacks and constraint a hackers, several branches of a US supervision fabricated their agents and started an review (codenamed Solar Sunrise). They finally conduct to constraint a Tenenbaum and his team. In 2001, he was condemned to 18 months in jail of that he served usually 8 months.

He was after arrested again in 2008 for hacking into financial institutions and hidden credit label numbers – indemnification totalled around $1.5 million. He pleaded guilty and accepted a defence bargain for his cooperaton in a investigation.

Ehud Tenenbaum
(Image Source: Wired)

5. Jonathan James (c0mrade)

When he was 15, Jonathan James was held violation into a BellSouth and Miami-Dade propagandize system. This led to a find that he had backdoor entrance to a multiplication of a US Department of Defence – fundamentally he had entrance to thousands of worker messages.

He had also hacked NASA and performed a source formula for life support functions during a International Space Station. The penetration caused NASA to close down their computers for 3 weeks, and $41,000 to patch a system. James was arrested and finished to serve 6 months in a sovereign correctional facility.

Later in 2007, James was underneath guess of assisting some of his hacker friends dedicate a large mechanism hacking debauch that compromised a credit information of millions of people. He frequently denied impasse yet was raided by a Secret Service nonetheless. In 2008, he committed suicide by gunshot to a head, desiring that he would not accept correct justice.

Jonathan James
(Image Source: Tom’s Hardware)

6. Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden became a domicile name by floating a lid off a NSA’s espionage program. The organisation had been espionage on unchanging Americans in an unprecedentedly large scale. How did Snowden get his hands on justification to infer that allegation? Well, he didn’t unequivocally need to rest on hacking tools. Like Mitnick, all he had to do was use amicable engineering – oh, and he took advantage of a damaged confidence process to get entrance to a files.

You see, Snowden was operative as a complement director for a NSA and was means to entrance a infancy of their tip tip documents, and there was fundamentally no one auditing him for intensity leaks. If he couldn’t get a document, all he had to do was get a certification of someone who had entrance – people already assume sysadmins had entrance to them already.

After a revelations, Snowden fled to Russia where he performed domestic asylum.

(Image Source: CNET)

7. Andrew Auernheimer (weev)

weev is a grey shawl hacker and Internet troll, initial gaining prominence for claiming shortcoming for a penetrate finished on Amazon where books on happy issues were reclassified as pornography. He is really good famous for his trolling antics, once apropos a boss a organisation dedicated to trolling a web with malware, website hacking and startle images.

From this organisation came Goatse Security, a grey shawl organisation combined to stretch themselves from a trolling antics of a former. In 2010, he helped find a vulnerability on a ATT website that unprotected a emails of iPad users, some of that embody those owned by celebrities and infantry officials.

While they eventually incited over a feat to ATT, they had initial left to a news organisation to share their discovery. This lead to a rapist review where he was charged by a FBI for a penetrate and was given 41 months of jail time.

Andrew Auernheimer
(Image Source: The Guardian)

8. Julian Assenge (Mendex)

Today, Julian Assenge is famous as a creator and open face of Wikileaks, a online classification that publishes leaked supervision and corporate documents. But before all that, approach behind in a late 80′s during a immature age of 16, he was famous as Mendex and together with dual other hackers shaped International Subversives, what they cruise to be an reliable hacking group.

He went on to penetrate into several high form targets such as a US Department of Defence, NASA, Lockheed Martin, usually to name a few. He was eventually caught while hacking into Nortel in 1991 during a age of 20. He pleaded guilty to 35 charges. He managed to equivocate complicated penalties due to viewed non-malicious vigilant and a disrupted childhood, caused by his mom being partial of a argumentative New Age organisation and frequently relocating about.

Julian Assenge
(Image Source: Wikipedia)

9. Jeremy Hammond

Jeremy Hammond is a domestic romantic and he uses his mechanism hacking skills to assist in his activism. For example, during a 2004 DEFCON, he speedy “electronic polite disobedience” to a assembly as a form of criticism opposite a annual Republican National Convention.

He founded HackThisSite, a approach to sight would be hackers with all a collection of a trade, describing itself as “a non-profit classification that strives to strengthen a good confidence enlightenment and training atmosphere”. He mostly got into difficulty with a law with his activism, from refusing to follow military orders when protesting.

But what finally got him arrested (and a 10 year sentence) was a hacking of a private comprehension firm, Stratfor, in 2012. He had leaked an performed customer list to Wikileaks and donated an additional million dollars around stolen credit cards to several charities. An engaging delicacy we competence like was that Hammond was indeed held by Sabu (from #1) who was operative with a FBI as an adviser during a time.

Jeremy Hammond
(Image Source: RT)

10. The Jester

The Jester is an internet vigilante and self-described grey shawl hacktivist. His genuine temperament is different solely for a fact that he is a former infantryman that had served tours in Afghanistan and elsewhere. The Jester finished a name for himself by hacking several websites he perceives as anti-American.

His initial open conflict was opposite a Taliban and other associated jihadist groups on a Internet. He also hacked a website of a Westboro Baptist Church for disrespecting a funerals of American troops. He has also DDoS several websites that he claims are endangering American infantry abroad, such as Wikileaks.

Not usually that, he has hacked countries that uncover support for Snowden, such as Ecuador, DDoS-ing theirstock sell and tourism website. The Jester is still active on Twitter and his blog, where he gives his opinions regularly.

10 Notorious Hackers That Made Headlines

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