quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2014

Pact — the fitness app app that pays you to exercise!

Fitness-appsWill we skip your examination if we had to compensate for it? If income motivates we some-more than fitness, an app is here to possibly prerogative or retaliate you. Pact is an app that uses income to lane your aptness goals. When we set adult Pact, we give your credit label or Pay Pal information.

You also have to set your aptness goals like a oath to examination a certain series of times in a week or eat healthy and Pact creates it specific. Now enter a set stretch we have to run. You contingency also confirm a chastisement we are peaceful to compensate if we skip a workout.

The smallest chastisement is $5 (Rs.300). The app marks we when we check into a famous gym and monitors how prolonged we stay. You can also wear a aptness rope or use your phone’s GPS to record miles. Reward income comes from people who unsuccessful to honour their pact, media reports said.

Source: IANS

Pic Source: Getty Images

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Pact — the fitness app app that pays you to exercise!

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