sexta-feira, 25 de julho de 2014

Create And Customize Maps With Google Map Builder

There are now copiousness of geolocation-based WordPress themes available. They provide customized maps so that a users can simply find specific places like restaurants, eventuality venues, hotels and more. we beheld that some of web developers have been including their themes with map support and mostly use it within a strike page.

They implement maps, Google Map to be exact. And as we competence have noticed, Google Map is one of many absolute map services on a web. Customizing a map can be simply finished regulating map styles API control. But it requires one to know javascript programming a bit.

Try this formula new Google Map Builder, a apparatus to simply customize your possess Google Map. It has a flattering good and accessible user interface. You can build a map with usually a integrate of selections from a name box and we don’t even have to code.

There are many options for we to control a demeanour of a map. You competence also insert your tradition pen idol and places. And a best partial is it has 75+ readymade map themes from Snazzy Maps.


Google Map Builder works accurately a same like customizing Google Map regulating map styles API. It gives we a User Interface (UI) that is nicer than what we can do with plain Javascript code. Within a tool, all options are located in a left panel, withdrawal a remaining space for a map.

At a top, we can yield a map with a API pivotal that is useful for monitoring a application’s Maps API usage. The distance and coordinates of a map core can also be tangible easily.

The options on a left are used to customize a demeanour of a map: zooming, map control, dragging, map form and map theme. All a changes will be automatically previewed in a map.

Adding Custom Marker

This apparatus lets we simply supplement your tradition pen to map places. To do this, firstly we need to provide your pen idol URL and also a residence of a place you wish to mark.

With this Hospital Building idol from Map Icons, this is how to supplement a marker.

To start off, as a idol is about a hospital, afterwards we will enter a hospital’s name to a Add Marker(s) calm field. You competence also give some addresses (one per line) here. When we supplement an address, a map will automatically locate it, so make certain a residence and a map are as accurate as possible.

Then put a idol url in a Marker Icon URL field.

And here’s a result.

Get The Code

Now that we have customized a map, a subsequent step is to put it on a Web. To get a code, corkscrew to a bottom of a page and you’ll see a Get Code button.

Just strike a symbol afterwards a formula will seem above a map. Here, you’ll get a javascript formula inside a script tab and CSS character for a map size, like what we have if we styled a map manually. Easily duplicate and pulp all a formula and put them into your HTML before a head shutting tag.

Final Thought

There are lots of options supposing in a Google Map Builder, though many of them are usually for map control. To customize a map’s look, we can usually count on themes from Snazzy Map, though if they are not to your liking, we can customize a map manually (this educational competence help) or work with other collection such as Google Maps Colorizr or Google Styled Map Wizard.




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Create And Customize Maps With Google Map Builder

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