segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2014

Friendship Day 2014 – 5 healthy gift ideas for your BFF

Friendship Day present ideasCan’t get your crony to start vital a healthy life? Why not present them something healthy this Friendship Day that will motivate them to take a step brazen in a right direction! We have a set of 5 gifts that can assistance urge your best friend’s health.

At-home aptness gear

If your crony is someone who does not like to strike a gym or doesn’t have a time to do so, because not move a gym to their house? Gift them aptness DVDs, yoga mats, dumbbells, etc. as these will assistance them work out right in their vital room. What’s more, we can keep a check on them by creation certain they use those equipments regularly.

Gym membership

If you’ve been wanting to start a examination event afterwards present yourself and your best blossom a gym membership. It will not usually keep we both desirous as we can pull any other to go a gym frequently but creation excuses. Also, operative out with a crony will keep things engaging as we won’t be wearied operative out alone. You can also plea one another to strech your aptness goals faster.

Running shoes

Running boots make for a good present choice as they will remind your crony of we each time they use them. Get dual pairs and we dual can go using together. It is a good approach to stay in figure and does not cost too much . Once we have a right shoes, all we need is some song and we are prepared to run your approach to a fitter you.

Sports wear

If we consider your BFF has all a latest gear, we can keep it elementary by gifting them examination wear such as shorts or a tee. These days, many aptness brands offer a outrageous accumulation of styles and colours to select from and with a ongoing sale, we can certainly get something during a good bargain.

Fitness trackers

Wearable record and trackers are a latest disturb in aptness circles. They demeanour uber cold and can raise your workouts by monitoring your health in a improved way. From pedometers to heart rate monitors, there is a engorgement of options to select from. Several companies have skeleton to launch many such inclination in a nearby future. Some of these embody – Sync, Fit Smart, Lifeband Touch.

Image source: Getty Images

Also read:

  • Top 6 health advantages of carrying friends

  • Workout with a friend, strech your aptness goals faster!

  • 5 ways to quarrel counterpart vigour and get on a highway to good health

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Friendship Day 2014 – 5 healthy gift ideas for your BFF

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