segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2014

Eid-ul-Fitr — 5 tips to have a healthy Eid this year

Eid-ul-FitrEid is a festival distinguished after a month of fasting i.e. Ramadan. It is a time when families come together to urge and applaud this occasion. Food is an critical partial of any kind of celebration. After a month of fasting, people have to lapse to their pre-Ramadan eating report or normal eating habits. This might lead to heartburn or indigestion in a commencement as it takes time for a physique to adjust to any remarkable change in eating habits. For this reason, it’s critical to start with dishes that are not too tough on a digestive system. 

Here are some tips to applaud Eid in a healthy way

Avoid complicated meals: Meals with a high calm of fat and sugarine mostly means digestive problems. As these dishes take longer to digest, they sojourn in a stomach for a prolonged duration of time and causes gastric upsets, indigestion, emptiness and heartburn. When removing behind to normal eating habits, start with lighter dishes and name healthy cooking options and ingredients. 

Eat small, revisit meals: Eating large, complicated dishes during one go can emanate gastric problems. The incomparable a meal, a longer it takes for a stomach to digest it. Consuming brief and revisit dishes creates it easier for a stomach to digest it and this also stimulates metabolism. It is improved to keep brief gaps between meals, such as 3-4 hours rather than prolonged gaps such as 6-7 hours.

Choose healthy ingredients: Non-vegetarian dishes are many renouned during this time and are expected to form a bulk of your diet. Always name leaner cuts and mislay a manifest fat scrupulously before cooking. While creation sweets, equivocate high amounts of precipitated divert and be discreet with your use of sugar. Another good thought is to supplement dishes that enclose healthy sugars such as fruits or dry fruits.

Opt for healthy cooking methods: Instead of frying foods, they can be baked, grilled or barbecued. For instance embody dishes such as duck tikka, roasted chicken, baked fish/chicken with herbs, grilled sandwiches, grilled duck or paneer, poached fish with herbs. Also equivocate overcooking fish and vegetables, as extreme feverishness will lead to detriment of critical vitamins and minerals.

Consume reduction salt: Do not use extreme salt in any recipe. It can be replaced with spices and spices such as parsley, thyme, rosemary, coriander powder, peppers powder, chilli powder and lemon juice. These spices and spices are abounding in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, healthy oils and some also have anti-bacterial properties. This creates them a improved choice as compared to salt.

Image source: Getty Images

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Eid-ul-Fitr — 5 tips to have a healthy Eid this year

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