quarta-feira, 30 de julho de 2014

Are you ready for pregnancy? (Quiz)

Are we prepared for pregnancyGetting profound is a dream many women share. It is a superb knowledge though comes with a possess set of problems and complications if not rubbed properly. Pregnancy is a theatre of life that needs pinnacle caring for we to have a healthy baby. In sequence to safeguard that, we need to make certain alterations in your lifestyle. An diseased physique will usually supplement to some-more complications and also diminution your chances of conceiving. Take this brief ask to find out if we and your physique are indeed prepared for pregnancy.

What is your age?

I am in my 20s

I am in my 30s

I am in my 40s

I am above 40

Answer: Pregnancy involves a lot many changes in your physique both physically and internally. Therefore, a ideal time to get profound is in your 20s. Once we are in your 30s, not usually do a chances of conceiving decrease though also there are some-more risks concerned if we do get pregnant. There are other ways to have a child such as by surrogacy or IVF. (Read: Pregnancy after 30 – dangerous for mom and baby!)

How is your lifestyle?

Very hectic, stressful with no time for exercise

Regular practice and a correct diet

Moderate practice with healthy diet on many days

Answer: In sequence to have a healthy pregnancy, it is critical that we have a fit body. A chaotic lifestyle with no time to practice or eat a correct diet will bushel your chances of removing profound and even if we do, these habits will adversely impact your physique and even your baby. It is best to be fit and healthy before we conceive. (Read: 5 bias tests each lady should take before pregnancy)

Do we humour from any of these health problems?



Kidney disease


Answer: These critical health problems can make it formidable for a lady to have a protected pregnancy. Often, women who have a above mentioned conditions and a few others can have several complications or even defects in a baby. It is best to revisit a gynaecologist who can guard your health before we confirm to take this step. (Read: Is your pregnancy high-risk? (Expert interview))

Do we have any hormone-related problems like PCOS, fibroids or thyroid disorders?



I don’t know

Answer: Hormone-related problems can mostly outcome in strange durations that can lead to complications like incompetent to detect or infertility. It is best to get yourself checked for such conditions and take suitable remedy to get it underneath control. With correct medical diagnosis and assistance, we might be means to have a hassle-free pregnancy. (Read: Can’t conceive? PCOS could be a reason)

Are we a unchanging smoker or drinker?

I am a unchanging smoker

I am a unchanging drinker

I splash and fume regularly

Answer: Both smoking and celebration have ill-effects that negatively impact your health. Women who fume are disposed to infertility, carrying babies innate with defects, stillbirths, beforehand deliveries, etc. Drinking heavily too has identical effects. While assuage volume of ethanol is acceptable, going overboard will uncover a ill-effects. (Read: Five ways smoking during pregnancy can mistreat your baby)


You might also like to read:

  • Is a normal smoothness after c-section possible?

  • Proper diet and practice can assistance a diabetic detect

  • How to get profound faster  

  • How to detect after an abortion

  • Egg freezing: A possibility to check your pregnancy

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Are you ready for pregnancy? (Quiz)

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