quarta-feira, 30 de julho de 2014

Ladies eat soy — it’ll protect your heart for life!

women-and-heart-diseaseDo we eat soy products daily? Do not bar them from your diet, generally if we are a woman, for a healthy heart. The key, however, is to start eating soy early in life. According to new research, lifelong soy consumption, identical to a diet of women in Asia, produces a slightest atherosclerosis (hardening and squeezing of a arteries). Switching to a Western diet after menopause, identical to Asian migrants to North America, leads to usually as most atherosclerosis as a lifelong Western diet. ‘While switching to soy from a Western diet after menopause helps usually if there is not most atherosclerosis already,’ researchers stressed.

Researchers from Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, did a investigate on womanlike monkeys before and after surgical menopause. They fed pre-menopausal monkeys a diet with protein subsequent especially from animal sources or a diet with protein from soybeans. After carrying their ovaries removed, mimicking tellurian menopause, one organisation of monkeys continued to eat a soy diet, another switched from animal protein to soy, a third organisation stranded with animal protein, and a fourth switched from animal protein to soy.

After 34 months, cholesterol levels were good in a monkeys who ate soy before and after menopause. For those that switched to a soy protein diet after menopause, cholesterol levels did urge significantly. But when it came to how most board progressed in a arteries, there were not any statistically poignant differences, notwithstanding trends favoring a lifelong soy diet and a switch to soy after menopause.

‘But monkeys eating a lifelong soy diet showed a most reduce suit of difficult board in a arteries than other monkeys,’ researchers added. ‘This investigate underscores how critical it is for women to get into a best cardiovascular figure they can before menopause. The healthy habits they start afterwards will lift them by a years to come,’ suggested Margery Gass, executive executive of a biography of a North American Menopause Society (NAMS), that published a research.

Source: IANS

Photo source: Getty images

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Ladies eat soy — it’ll protect your heart for life!

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