quarta-feira, 30 de julho de 2014

Bhujapidasana or The Shoulder-Pressing pose — a yoga asana for a flat tummy and strong arms

BhujapidasanaBhujapidasana also famous as a shoulder-pressing poise is one yoga poise that privately focuses on your core and a muscles in your groin. This asana helps strengthen your arms and wrists, tones your swell and improves balance. A somewhat difficult asana  to perform, once mastered, this yoga poise can do we a universe of good.

Steps to do this asana:

  • Squat on a building with your feet  shoulder breadth apart.

  • Bend your torso brazen such that your chest is in between your legs.

  • Now, Place your left palm on a floor, with your palms prosaic on a floor. Make certain your top arm is pulpy opposite your middle thigh only above your elbow. Do a same for your right arm as well. Your feet should be along a line of your palms.

  • Now kindly stone brazen and behind compartment we can lift your physique off a floor. This is not to be finished with strength alone; all we need to do is lift your physique by changeable your centre of gravity.

  • Once your physique is lifted close your left leg over a right leg and reason this poise for 30 seconds.

  • To go behind to a sarting position hook your elbows and solemnly reduce your body.

  • After a few mins of rest, repeat this asana with a right feet folded over a left one.

Tip: Avoid doing this asana if we humour from  shoulder, elbow, wrist and reduce behind injuries.

Image source: Getty Images

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Bhujapidasana or The Shoulder-Pressing pose — a yoga asana for a flat tummy and strong arms

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