sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2014

Revealed — How ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ can affect your sex life

fifty shades of grey

Women all over a universe went gaga over amorous novel ’Fifty Shades of Grey’ and as a word spread, some-more and some-more women picked adult a duplicate and delved into a eccentric universe of BDSM between a lead characters. But if a new investigate is to be believed, reading this novel and a successive dual in a same array can have a bad impact on your health and dating life. Not usually are we during a heightened risk of binge celebration though also carrying diseased passionate habits! You are also during risk of exhibiting eating disorders and carrying a verbally aroused partner or mixed sex partners. 

‘All are famous risks compared with being in an aroused relationship, most like a lead character, Anastasia, is in ‘Fifty Shades’,’ pronounced investigate author Amy Bonomi from a dialect of tellurian growth and family studies during Michigan State University.

To strech this conclusion, researchers complicated over 650 women aged 18-24. Compared to participants who did not review a book, those who review a initial ‘Fifty Shades’ novel were:

  • 25 per cent some-more expected to have a partner who yelled or swore during them. 

  • Nearly 34 per cent were some-more expected to have a partner who demonstrated stalking tendencies.

  • More than 75 per cent were some-more expected to have used diet aids or fasted for some-more than 24 hours.

  • 65 per cent were some-more expected than non-readers to binge drink.

  • 63 per cent were some-more expected to have 5 or some-more passionate partners during their lifetime.

‘I am not suggesting a book be criminialized or that women should not be giveaway to review whatever books they wish or to have a adore life,’ she said. However, it is critical women know that a health behaviours assessed in a investigate are famous risk factors for being in a aroused relationship, Bonomi noted.

‘We recognize that a depiction of assault opposite women in and of itself is not problematic, generally if a depiction attempts to strew critical light on a problem. The problem comes when a depiction reinforces a acceptance of a standing quo, rather than severe it,’ researchers concluded.

The investigate seemed in a Journal of Women’s Health.

 With inputs from IANS

Photo source: Getty images

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Revealed — How ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ can affect your sex life

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