terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014

6 Ways Social Media Has Changed Christmas

Deck a halls with boughs of holly as #Christmas is here! Obviously a lot has altered in a ways we applaud a holidays, with a continual arise of smartphones, amicable media, and selfies – only try and stop your Christmas cooking from arrangement adult on Instagram. Rather than send Christmas cards around post or entice friends over for a Christmas celebration with a call, we now dump emails and entice them around Facebook Events.

While we might bewail over how record has altered a normal Christmas suggestion (curses!), it is time to observe a change of time. So in lieu of this gratifying season, we benefaction to we 6 ways amicable media has altered a approach we applaud Christmas.

Spruce Up Your Accounts

If we have a time, a initial thing to do to get into a festivities is to dress adult your accounts. Like updating your Facebook cover design with a Christmassy wallpaper or giving your Twitter arrangement print a Santa hat.

And why stop during one amicable network when we have multiple? Change your Tumblr thesis colors and take a new selfie for Instagram; refurbish them all!

Construct Your Wishlist

Because infrequently (or many times) people only don’t know what to get we for presents and finish adult giving we a tedious aged mop to supplement to your collection. It ends this Christmas and with a energy of technology.

It can be as elementary as a Facebook standing with a design of a intent of your enterprise or an whole Pinterest residence with all we wish in it. Complete your not-so-subtle hints with a hashtag #ChristmasWishlist or #IWantThis.

Send Season’s Greetings

With 1000+ followers/friends, ain’t nobody got time to wish them all. So a gratifying twitter would have to do when a time strikes midnight and we take a small some-more time to qualification a touching and grateful Facebook standing since we are #deep.

Then we spend a subsequent hour or so refreshing and going behind and onward between amicable media to reply, retweet, and check for likes.

Oh and we can’t forget to mass WhatsApp your hit list. Or LINE them. Or send them a KakaoTalk. Or WeChat. And afterwards there’s that Skype call we have to make…

Document The Festivities

You put in a lot of bid jacket that benefaction for your bestie by customizing a jacket paper and delicately restraining a badge with add-ons. It’s a square of art (!) so we Instagram it. Heaven knows how most time we took to put adult braid and baubles and lights all around a residence and a Christmas tree. You mount behind to admire your handiwork and Instagram it.

Your mom spent tighten to 8 hours cooking adult a Christmas feast that now sits on a dining table. Before anyone could puncture in, we take a design and Instagram it. And hashtag your post with #foodporn, #Christmasdinner, #turkey and #blessed.

A print posted by Anna Aromin (@seldabelda) on
Nov 11, 2014 during 8:09pm PST

Just Take All The Photos/Videos

Vines are a new family videos. Vine a carollers who stop by your front doorway with their honeyed voices. Vine everyone’s reactions when they open their presents. And when we run out of moments, do it (read: make some up) for a Vine.

Besides, we can send a integrate of a decent ones as Season’s Greetings to distant off kin who are “joining” a festivities around WhatsApp.

Count Down Till Midnight

…to be a initial to wish/tweet all your supporters Season’s Greetings and have a Happy New Year. Hey, it’s most some-more gentle doing it in your comfortable residence and in your jammies than counting down out in a streets and in a cold with too many people singing too aloud for your liking.

But if you’re out there since life is too brief to stay holed adult during home and since YOLO, we have got to take that selfie.

Have a #MerryChristmas!





Leanne is still mastering a art of being an Internet ninja. She spends too most time reading comics and scrolling Tumblr.


6 Ways Social Media Has Changed Christmas

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