segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014

20 "Coming Soon" WordPress Themes Worth Waiting For

So you’re looking to give your WordPress site a new demeanour and are perplexing to work out a kinks in time for 2015; or we have a new app, product, association or manuscript we wish to recover and you’re anticipating to beget some hype by putting adult a Coming Soon site first. Then, you’re going to need yourself a cold Coming Soon or Under Construction theme.

Create some hum online about your code or product, amour visitors, and collect some email subscribers while you’re during it, with these 20 Coming Soon WordPress theme. Just to cover all a bases, I’ve put together 20 giveaway and reward Coming Soon themes that will support to most, if not all, of your veteran needs.

Almost all of these themes are packaged with swell bars or countdown timers to assistance visitors keep lane of your swell while watchful for a final launch.

Free Themes

Felice Theme by Bluchic. The Felice WordPress thesis has an attractive, light look. It lets we showcase content and images along with a swell bar (the tone is customizable), email form and amicable media buttons. [Get it here]

Coming Sssoon Page by Creative Tim. Ssson is a giveaway WordPress theme. Use it to emanate a organisation of users before your site is launched. It is suitable for any artistic group or for personal usage. It comes in dual variants: picture credentials and video background. [Get it here]

Ego Cafe by Anish Trehan. Ego Cafe is a obliged thesis that can be used for a cafeteria or cooking blog. Just change a headings, credentials picture and amicable media buttons to personalize a theme. [Get it here]

Professory Under Construction Mobile Website Template by w3layouts. This thesis is elementary and will fit in any business company. It contains a artistic opposite to uncover when your website is going to be online. [Get it here]

Trendy Divaa by Anish Trehan. Trendy Divaa is a simple, manageable entrance shortly page that is designed for conform sites. [Get it here]

Fotos Website Launching Soon by w3layouts. Let your users know that you’re going to launch shortly with this detailed theme. It’s suitable for photographers and any other creatives who work with images and illustrations. [Get it here]

Coming shortly Under Construction by w3layouts. This underneath construction page looks gratifying and fancy. You might use it to uncover your visitors that your site is redesigning or some changes are going to be done. [Get it here]

Wifindly Coming Soon Theme by Web Success. This thesis has an eye-catching credentials picture and a summary for your users placed during a top. [Get it here]

Launcher WordPress by MyThemeShop. This entrance shortly thesis positively rock(et)s! The rocket shows that you’re operative on site redesign and will substantially “launch” soon. The rocket shakes a small when one mouses over it. [Get it here]

Glacier by Web Success. Glacier is a clean, minimal and manageable thesis optimized for desktop and mobile. It contains a cold credentials photo, email subscription form and amicable media buttons. [Get it here]

Premium Themes

Start by Pixininja. Start is a high-quality WordPress thesis with a credentials picture and artistic counter. It not usually notifies users about your launching, though also has a operative hit form, is Mailchimp prepared and can lift a Twitter feed. [Get it here – $6]

MUMM | The Splitted by Madeon08. The pivotal underline of this thesis is surprising divided scrolling. The left partial of a shade moves adult and a right one moves down while scrolling – that creates MUMM an ultra-cool solution. [Get it here – $6]

Panara by themezaa. This thesis was delicately designed with courtesy to fact to yield unimaginable user experience. The Full-screen slideshow credentials and confidant opposite will really stir your visitors and make them come behind when you’re finally prepared to go live.

[Get it here – $6]

MyCountdown by TeslaThemes. The coolest partial of this WordPress thesis is a countdown. It’s designed in a form of tubes with colored liquids that etch a days, hours, mins and seconds to your launch. Although, for some reason, a tubes fill adult as we get closer to a launch date. [Get it here – $33]

Bianco by Serhii Korzin. An overwhelming stamp logo, cold black and white sketch on a credentials and a elementary opposite make this thesis mount out from a crowd. It will be suitable for any photographer, engineer or artist. [Get it here – $20]

Caelus by oxygenna. Here is one some-more rocket thesis in this collection. It’s accessible in dual pleasing styles with 4 pleasing rise combinations that demeanour good on a iPhone, iPad and any desktops. It has a overwhelming retro demeanour and a stars on a credentials pierce on mouseover. [Get it here – $33]

Glance by aThemes. This thesis is entirely manageable with gummy menu and overwhelming tone scheme. It can be used for any business purpose as good as for artistic needs. [Get it here – $16]

Working by aThemes. This is super-clean manageable thesis with a countdown book and appealing credentials slider. [Get it here – $16]

Malooka by NestoLab. Malooka is a manageable template featuring 8 opposite credentials options including video, slideshow, settlement and even a map option. [Get it here – $7]

Verde by CreaboxThemes. Verde is a artistic underneath construction theme. If you’re operative on a new site or redesigned, this purify minimalistic thesis is only for you. [Get it here – $5]

20 "Coming Soon" WordPress Themes Worth Waiting For

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