terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014

“There Are More Bugs In Mobile Than… Particles In The Universe!”

“There Are More Bugs In Mobile Than… Particles In The Universe!”

  • By Vitaly Friedman

  • September 30th, 2014


  • Mobile is a difficult, indeterminate beast. If we run into technical problems in mobile, afterwards you’ll know how irritating regulating them can be. That’s because we’ve teamed adult with Peter-Paul Koch to emanate The Mobile Web Handbook, a unsentimental new beam to dealing with front-end hurdles in mobile. The book is finally prepared and is now shipping worldwide. It’s accessible in imitation and as an eBook.1

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    Mobile Web Handbook, a new Smashing Book by Peter-Paul Koch2


    eBook4PDF, ePUB, Amazon Kindle

    About The Book

    We have all been there. Whether we are building a manageable website or an app or only traffic with WebViews, we always finish adult using into irritating technical problems that all of those quirky (and not so quirky) mobile browsers chuck adult so really often. Weird browser bugs, unsuitable CSS and JavaScript support, opening issues, mobile fragmentation and difficult nuances such as device pixels, viewports, zooming, hold eventuality cascade, pointer and click events and a 300-millisecond delay. No, mobile isn’t indeed dim matter, yet it does need we to learn a few new things, some of that are utterly confusing.

    Mobile Web Handbook5
    A demeanour inside a book, with a breeze by Stephen Hay (View vast version6)

    The Mobile Web Handbook will assistance we to make clarity of it all. It’s a unsentimental new guide, created by Peter-Paul Koch and published by yours truly, to help we tackle common front-end hurdles in mobile effectively. Featuring information from new investigate findings, a book shows a intricacies of mobile, with a common problems and workarounds, and it delivers what it promises: real-world, unsentimental discipline for mobile — singular and intensely useful.

    Sample PDF7
    Download a representation section (PDF)8, typeset in a pleasing Elena typeface.

    The book will be useful to mobile strategists, developers, designers and anyone who wants to improved know a intricacies of mobile — on both a technical and marketplace ends. Whether we wish to get a better design of mobile or dive low into common browser bugs, this is a book to read. And if we pre-ordered it already, of march a book has shipped to we already.

    232 pages. Written by Peter-Paul Koch. Reviewed by Stephanie and Bryan Rieger. Designed by Stephen Hay. Shipping now worldwide. Available in imitation and as an eBook.9

    Download Free Sample Chapter (PDF)

    We’ve prepared a representation section PDF10, to give we some insights into how a book looks like. The section provides a extensive overview of a browser market, worldwide marketplace shares and ongoing developments—and a few browser stats. Happy reading!

    New Smashing Book, “Mobile Web Handbook”, is now ready, and shipping. Large view.12

    Why This Book Is For You

    Developing websites for mobile is flattering many a same as it has always been, yet it does need we to learn a few new things, some of that are utterly confusing. In The Mobile Web Handbook, you’ll learn a following:

    1. Make clarity of a mobile value chain of operators and of device and OS vendors.

    2. Distinguish between opposite mobile and substitute browsers, and learn about ongoing browser developments.

    3. See by a difficult browser conditions on Android devices.

    4. Understand CSS pixels, earthy pixels and device pixels.

    5. Make clarity of a blueprint viewport, visible viewport and ideal viewport.

    6. Figure out how zooming works and because page wizz is opposite than splash zoom.

    7. Learn a intricacies of a meta viewport and associated CSS and JavaScript properties.

    8. Know how to understanding with a technical issues of hold events in JavaScript.

    9. Understand a touch eventuality cascade and a bugs.

    10. Handle a 300-millisecond delay, pointer events and a click event.

    11. Fix common bugs caused by position: fixed, overflow: auto and background-attachment.

    12. Set adult a device contrast lab and exam on mobile.

    13. Reconsider old-fashioned growth practices.

    14. Adjust your expectations of mobile networks and latency.



    eBook14PDF, ePUB, Amazon Kindle

    Table Of Contents

    Chapter 1

    The Mobile World

    Summary The mobile universe is a complicated, rarely fragmented environment. The mobile value chain involves operators, device vendors and OS vendors—all carrying their possess interests and goals that figure a device marketplace and mystify things for us, web developers. If we review The Mobile Book15 already, this section is a revised and extended chronicle of a chapter. It’s been updated with a latest total and developments, though, and contains a few new sections.

    Keywords operators networks mobile value sequence device vendors hardware fragmented marketplace phone’s prolongation cycle tellurian device marketplace OS vendors and sales developer family temperament government payments.

    Chapter 2


    Summary If you’re used to a elementary five-browser ecosystem that exists on a desktop, you’re in for a severe warn in a mobile market. There are 30 mobile browsers, trimming from lousy to great. Besides, there are also substitute browsers, default browsers, downloadable ones, treacherous Android ones, and of march WebViews. What do we need to know about prevailing browsers and prevalent platforms? A extensive overview of a browser market, worldwide marketplace shares and ongoing developments—and a few browser stats.

    Keywords browser ecosystem digest engines WebKits WebViews Android browsers platforms substitute browsers statistics.

    Chapter 3


    Summary The many formidable partial of a mobile universe is Android. With Android now travelling about 3 buliding of a smartphone market, it has a few problems and oddities that are singly a own. In this section we’ll demeanour during Google’s wishes and actions, a reactions of a device vendors, and a difficult browser conditions caused by a light deputy of Android WebKit by Chrome.

    Keywords apart Android updates Android WebKit Chrome.

    Chapter 4


    Summary Mobile inclination have distant smaller screens than desktop/laptop computers. As a result, browser vendors had to perform some sleight of palm in sequence to make certain desktop-optimized websites also arrangement decently. They apart a viewport, that on desktop means a browser window, into three. What are these viewports and because do we need them? By deliberating pixels, viewports, resolutions, a meta viewport, media queries, and associated JavaScript events and properties, you’ll benefit some discernment into how mobile browsers (and web developers) understanding with a elemental problem of a tiny screen.

    Keywords device pixels CSS pixels blueprint viewport visible viewport ideal viewport zooming page wizz splash wizz min/max-zoom fortitude device-pixel-ratio meta viewport media queries CSS/JavaScript events.

    Chapter 5


    Summary There are a few CSS declarations that are harder to exercise in mobile browsers than in desktop ones. Some, such as position: fixed, are contingent on a viewport, yet that viewport? Others might have performance issues or special interface considerations, such as overflow: auto. It’s only about time to get to a bottom of this.

    Keywords position: bound overflow: automobile overflow-scrolling background-attachment vw and vh units :active and :hover.

    Chapter 6

    Touch Events

    Summary Mobile inclination generally use touchscreens, and support a new set of hold events to guard user actions. At initial sight, hold events seem to be roughly a same as rodent events. What are a differences? How do they work? Do we need apart events for any communication mode, or can we combine rodent and hold into one, as Microsoft wants? It is utterly expected that destiny new web-enabled device classes such as TVs, cars, or even fridges, will move new interaction modes and a new set of events. How do we ready for them? That’s accurately what this section is all about.

    Keywords touchcancel gesticulate events dropdown menu drag and dump scrolling covering eventuality equivalencies merging hold and rodent detecting communication modes hold eventuality cascade a daub movement anatomy of a click 300 ms check touchLists pointer events.

    Chapter 7

    Becoming a Mobile Web developer

    Summary This final section gives we unsentimental sum about how to turn a mobile web developer, or to be some-more precise, how to set adult a device library and conduct mobile tests. Which inclination do we need? How do we run tests? What would an ideal device lab demeanour like? And what should we keep in mind in terms of a improvements of a mobile networks in a future?

    Keywords ideal device lab appropriation and pity inclination what and how to exam device exam batches handling updates browser showing JavaScript libraries mobile networks latency tie speed.

    About a Author


    Peter-Paul Koch17 has been around for utterly some time. Known for his browser harmony tables on QuirksMode, he is a mobile height strategist, browser researcher, consultant and tutor in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He specializes in a mobile web, generally mobile browser research, whereby he advises mobile and desktop browser vendors on their implementations of web standards.

    Technical Details

    • 232 pages, 16.5 × 24.0 cm (6.5 × 9.5 inches)

    • Quality hardcover with stitched contracting and badge page marker

    • The eBook is enclosed with a printed book for giveaway (PDF, ePUB, Kindle).

    • Shipping now worldwide

    • Worldwide airmail delivery18 from Germany ($5 for general shipping).

    • Get a book (print or eBook).19

    Mobile Web Handbook, a new Smashing Book by Peter-Paul Koch20

    “Like ‘The Mobile Book’, a Mobile Web Handbook is a volume that will be consulted over years.”

    — Dudley Storey22


    1. 1 #your-mobile-web-handbook

    2. 2 https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/checkout/cart/add?product=601

    3. 3 https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/checkout/cart/add?product=601

    4. 4 https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/checkout/cart/add?product=602

    5. 5 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/touchmove-900.jpg

    6. 6 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/touchmove-900.jpg

    7. 7 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sample-Chapter-Mobile-Web-Handbook.pdf

    8. 8 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sample-Chapter-Mobile-Web-Handbook.pdf

    9. 9 #your-mobile-web-handbook

    10. 10 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sample-Chapter-Mobile-Web-Handbook.pdf

    11. 11 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/mobile-web-handbook-1-1200px.jpg

    12. 12 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Mobile-Web-Handbook-2-1200.jpg

    13. 13 https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/mobile-web-handbook.html

    14. 14 https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/checkout/cart/add?product=602

    15. 15 https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/the-mobile-book-digital-edition.html

    16. 16 http://www.quirksmode.org/about/

    17. 17 http://www.quirksmode.org/about/

    18. 18 https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/delivery-times/

    19. 19 #your-mobile-web-handbook

    20. 20 https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/mobile-web-handbook.html

    21. 21 https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/checkout/cart/add?product=601

    22. 22 http://demosthenes.info/blog/928/Book-Review-The-Mobile-Web-Handbook

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“There Are More Bugs In Mobile Than… Particles In The Universe!”

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