quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014

10 health benefits of figs or anjeer

Health advantages of figsAnjeer or figs are utterly a tack pouch on many houses — be it a dusty accumulation or a completed fruit itself. But detached from being a juicy provide and a healthy midst day snack, figs have a vast series of advantages for your whole body. Here are 10 reasons we should break on figs some-more often. 

Beats constipation: Packed with fiber – both soluble and insoluble – figs are good to kick constipation. According to a book ‘Indian Herbal Remedies’1, when eaten, figs assistance supplement bulk to your bowel movements, increases a volume of mucous secreted and binds on to a H2O calm in your stools. All these factors make it a really effective pill opposite constipation. According to Ayurvedic practitioners, figs also assistance mislay additional toxins from a physique also famous as ‘ama’. Read some-more about other healthy methods to quarrel constipation.

Lowers cholesterol: Figs or anjeer contains a vast volume of pectin. This devalue is a soluble fiber and acts as a good pill to kick high cholesterol levels2. Pectin moves by a digestive complement and absorbs additional cholesterol in a stomach – gripping your lipid form in primitive condition. Read some-more about a dishes we should batch adult on to revoke your cholesterol levels naturally.

Prevents coronary heart disease: Dried figs enclose high amounts of omega 3, omega 6 and phenol – all compounds that assistance keep your heart healthy and keep heart illness during bay. Apart from that studies have found that a leaves of figs are also really effective in improving heart health. The leaves have an inhibitory outcome on triglycerides (known to be really damaging for a heart) assisting in a rebate of board arrangement within a arteries. 

Prevents colon cancer: Your colon is customarily a one organ that bears a brunt of an emasculate digestive system. In Ayurveda it is believed that a buildup of toxins in a colon is one of a categorical reasons for colon cancer. Here is where figs can help. Packed with antioxidants and fiber, this consternation food indeed helps keep colon cancer during brook by shortening a volume of waste adhering to a colon, improving digestion and imparting antioxidant properties that helps forestall cancer.

Keeps diabetes during bay: In a quarrel opposite diabetes, both figs and their leaves come in handy. Due to a high volume of potassium figs contain, a fruit indeed helps say a consistent blood sugarine turn in a body. Potassium regulates a pointy arise and tumble in a volume of blood sugarine in a body; assisting diabetics live a most some-more normal life. In a box of insulin dependence3, fig leaves are famous to have really manly insulin controlling properties that reduces a volume of insulin (in insulin contingent diabetic) has to take. 

Beats passionate dysfunction: Figs when total with walnuts creates a ideal aphrodisiac. Since they enclose a high volume of potassium and other minerals, a fruit helps a physique urge blood upsurge and therefore improves your sex life. And if durability longer is your emanate afterwards figs are accurately what we need. Full of fruit sugars and glucose, figs are is your present pick-me-up. Mix a few crushed adult figs in a potion of milk  for combined stamina.

Strengthens bones: Especially good for women, figs are a abounding source of calcium that is an essential member in bone expansion and strength. The fruit also contains potassium that is an essential devalue for a physique to use a calcium efficiently. These dual minerals put together also assistance in shortening a volume of calcium leeched from a physique and helps in a discerning recovering of damaged skeleton by speeding adult a arrangement of bone spurs.

Keeps your liver healthy: Commonly used in both Ayurveda and Unani use is a great, healthy approach to keep your liver healthy, figs have been famous to speed adult liberation and assistance a liver stay healthy. The International Journal of PharmTech 4 found that figs have properties that can strengthen a liver from repairs and even make it duty optimally.

 Lowers blood pressure: Figs are good for people with hypertension. Since a fruit contains a high turn of potassium and reduction sodium, it is a ideal weapon. Known to assistance umpire blood dissemination and revoke a ill effects of hypertension, figs are your healthy approach to quarrel high blood pressure.

Anemia: Packed with iron, figs are a best fruits for a government of anemia. Apart from a iron it provides a body, figs also assistance give an malnutritioned chairman appetite to redeem from a ill effects of anemia.


1Indian Herbal remedies — http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-18659-2_6?no-access=true

 2 Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal  Plants http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/574/bfm%253A978-94-007-2534-8%252F1.pdf?auth66=1399446142_afa07df48e5127e2b3f817785c48f5baext=.pdf

3 A examination on a moneyed phytochemical and pharmacological effects of ficus carica — http://ebioscholar.com/ojs/index.php/ijb/article/view/340

4  Pharmacognostic and phytochemical properties of Ficus carica Linn –An overview –http://www.sphinxsai.com/Vol.3No.1/pharm_jan-mar11/pdf/JM11%28%20PT=03%29%2008-12.pdf

5Dried Fruits: Excellent in Vitro and in Vivo Antioxidants – http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07315724.2005.10719442#.U2c1qvmSxnA

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10 health benefits of figs or anjeer

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