sexta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2014

How to Customize “Howdy” In WordPress Admin Bar [Quick Tip]

Every WordPress user should be informed with the “Howdy” summary that appears in a Admin Bar when they are logged in. The problem with “Howdy” is that it’s an informal word and sounds really unprofessional. Perhaps for some reason your customer is given entrance to your WordPress Dashboard. If that’s a case, we competence wish to change it into a some-more correct nod like “Welcome” for example.

In this post, we will cover how to do so. To tip it off, we’ll also uncover we how to arrangement a customized greeting for special open holidays like Christmas and New Year. If this sounds like an thought we have been wanting to govern for awhile now, let’s check out how it’s done.

Overwrite a “Howdy” Message

First, we wish to overwrite a “Howdy”. Add these lines in a functions.php of your theme.

function howdy_message($translated_text, $text, $domain)
$new_message = str_replace('Howdy', 'Welcome', $text);
lapse $new_message;

add_filter('gettext', 'howdy_message', 10, 3);

The above duty replaces a “Howdy” with “Welcome” regulating a PHP str_replace duty and relates a duty by a WordPress possess gettext filter. Once added, modernise a WordPress Dashboard and a nod should now contend “Welcome”, as shown below.

Special Holiday Greeting

Now we can make a nod summary some-more personalized. The thought is to hail a user during a holiday season. For example, if currently was New Year, we would like to arrangement Happy New Year followed by a user name. Likewise, if it were Christmas, we could wish a user with a Christmas greeting.

We need to get a month and a date. In PHP we can use date() duty to collect a stream date and month. Create a new duty to call date() and outlay a result, like so.

function public_holiday()
$date = date('d-m');

Assuming that currently is 9th September, a outlay of this duty would be 22-09. That is also to contend that 01-01 is New Year, while 25-12 is Christmas. Having retrieved a date we can implement it to set a nod message, like so.

function public_holiday()
$date = date('d-m');
case '01-01':
$message = 'Happy New Years';

case '25-12':
$message = 'Merry Christmas';

$message = 'Welcome';

return $message;

As we can see above, we also set a default summary to “Welcome” when a lapse value of a $date does not tumble to ’01-01′ or ’25-12′.

Now, we need to somewhat change a prior duty in sequence to uncover a message, like so.

function howdy_message($translated_text, $text, $domain)
$message = public_holiday();
$new_message = str_replace('Howdy', $message, $text);
lapse $new_message;

add_filter('gettext', 'howdy_message', 10, 3);

Refresh a WordPress Dashboard once again. And if it is New Year or Christmas we should see a Howdy summary change into what you’ve specified as per below.

More Ideas

There are some-more cold ideas that we can achieve. Some examples of what we can do to urge this sold area of WordPress includes adding some-more special holiday greetings like for Eid or by displaying a localized greeting formed on a users’ stream plcae or denunciation preference. All we need is some creativity and simple bargain on PHP and WordPress functions, classes, and hooks.




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How to Customize “Howdy” In WordPress Admin Bar [Quick Tip]

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