segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2014

6 Coding Playgrounds For Web Developers

Over a past integrate of years several coding playgrounds have popped up, many to a delight. These are web applications that concede real-time modifying and previews of client-side codes: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The best partial of these coding playgrounds is that most of them are free and we can simply share a “playground” with someone possibly for training functions or for debugging.

Personally, these web applications have been a good assistance to my work. Whenever we find myself stumped with JavaScript or CSS, we can simply emanate a stadium and share it to my other developer friends for help. They are fun, interactive, and totally useful generally for beginners. Here are 6 coding playgrounds that we can try out for yourself.

1. Codepen

Codepen is substantially one of a many renouned coding playgrounds out there. Chris Coyier of CSS Tricks is a co-founder/co-creator of Codepen, that substantially explains given this web app looks grand. Aside from a neat visuals, Codepen displays live previews of a changes we make in a editor, creation it easier to see means and effect.

(Image Source: Tiny City)

Codepen’s accessible CSS pre-processors embody SCSS, SASS, LESS, and Stylus. And for JS pre-processor it has CoffeeScript and LiveScript. For HTML it has Haml, Markdown, Slim, and Jade. There’s also 8 built-in JS libraries prepared to be used. Collaboration and private “pens” in Codepen are available, though we have to compensate for them. [Get it here]

2. JSFiddle

JSFiddle is substantially responsible for a recognition of coding playgrounds, given it is one of a initial and many famous playgrounds available. JSFiddle has over 30 JavaScript libraries prepared for evident usage, and we can supplement outmost files easily. For pre-processing, it has SCSS for CSS, CoffeeScript for JS and elementary vanilla HTML.

(Image Source: Multi-Direction Hover Fiddle)

If we are collaborating with another developer, we rarely suggest regulating JSFiddle to arrange things out. Among a accessible coding playgrounds out there, JSFiddle’s collaboration underline is substantially a best of a bunch. Plus a underline is easy to use and free, distinct Codepen.

What is blank from JSFiddle is live previews. You have to fundamentally modernise a page by clicking on a play button. And compared to other playgrounds, JSFiddle is substantially a slowest. Another slightly frustrating quirk of JSFiddle is its run button, infrequently clicking on it doesn’t work, so you’ll have to click a integrate some-more times before it indeed runs a formula (and yes, we tested this on mixed browsers). [Get it here]

3. JS Bin

JS Bin is combined by Remy Sharp, a master JavaScript developer who owns a web growth association focused on, we guessed it, JavaScript (and HTML5). JS Bin’s JS pre-processor includes CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Traceur, and JSX and has over 40 JS libraries during a disposal. You can supplement outmost files, though you’ll have to do it manually on a editor. As for CSS pre-processor, it provides LESS.

What sets it detached from a prior playgrounds is that JS Bin allows we to download files to your computer, a nifty underline that might infer useful to developers, generally when fiddling around with formula while offline. You can also emanate private “bins” on JS Bin though we will have to compensate for this feature. Unfortunately, during this point, JS Bin doesn’t have a partnership feature. [Get it here]

4. CSSDeck

CSSDeck has been around for several years now though it hasn’t finished many of an impact. But it is still notable given of its simplicity. If we wish to equivocate all a sound of other playgrounds with all of their features, CSSDeck is a app to use.

(Image Source: CSSDesk JS Clock Demo)

CSSDeck’s pre-processors embody HAML, Markdown, Slim, and Jade for HTML, LESS, Stylus, SASS, and SCSS for CSS, and CoffeeScript for JS. It also has several CSS and JS libraries accessible and adding libraries that aren’t in a list is finished manually, that should be easy.

One thing that astounded me about CSSDeck is a elementary though useful underline that allows a users to increase content size. If we are looking for a stadium with lots of imagination facilities afterwards CSSDeck isn’t for you. But this is also what creates it singular given its morality gives concentration on a things that matter. [Get it here]

5. Dabblet

Before anything else, Dabblet astounded me large time when we hovered on conjuration tone codes. The colors indeed popped out! Now, that’s a first. Although I’m not certain if that’s indeed a useful feature, it’s still flattering neat.

Now, a good thing about Dabblet is that it allows a users to preview it in 5 opposite views: CSS editor and a result, HTML editor and a result, CSS and HTML editors and result, JavaScript and a playable result, or all during once. we wish that wasn’t a mouthful, though it’s essential to know that this bulk underline is not accessible on other playgrounds.

One thing that I’m confused about is its miss of pre-processor options for HTML and CSS. It doesn’t have these along with built-in JavaScript libraries. But we theory we can insert those manually, so no persperate on that. With regards to any panels, they are bound in distance and we can’t resize them, something that a prior playgrounds have. Also, it doesn’t seem to have a gallery of demos from other users. [Get it here]

6. Liveweave

Liveweave is a useful coding stadium packaged with utterly a few features such as carrying a capability to turn off a live preview. You can also take improved caring of your eyesight with the night prophesy mode, where all turns dark. Liveweave offers over 20 JavaScript libraries. It even supports SVG. It also comes with a built-in ruler that is good for removing accurate measurements and aesthetics.

One some-more thing that held my courtesy is a easy partnership feature. If we have used Teamviewer in a past, it works a same way. All we have to do is click on a Team Up couple and we can share a couple to your “weave”. I’m not certain if it’s my laptop or my Internet connection, though there seems to be a slight lag. Still, it’s an essential underline and Liveweave did it beautifully.

You can even download your weaves as a singular HTML file (whoops, JS, CSS, and HTML in one record – reduction points!) or as a zip file for apart HTML, CSS, and JS files (well, there we go). Before we forget, it has a built-in Lorem Ipsum generator. [Get it here]


Well, there we go, each stadium has their possess singular characteristics that might infer useful to we in one of your “playtimes”. we wish this essay has helped we in picking a right one for your needs. If we have other playgrounds in mind, greatfully do share them with us in a comments below.

6 Coding Playgrounds For Web Developers

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